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Forum Comments

Moderator Applications
In Help Wanted Board
Nov 04, 2017
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community? I remain as an active member in the community, watching over various events and talking whenever necessary or just to talk to other people. I'd prefer to serve as a moderator than my current position, as I feel like, after recent events, it would probably be more beneficial to fill up the moderator ranks. Also, this server has already done so much for me, and it only seems right to give back to the community. #2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)? Generally speaking, yes. I usually don't try to start drama and remain friendly and courteous to the other members in the community, whether they are being friendly or not. #3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff? Yes, as I feel that it is not only an obligation to watch for certain activity, but also to help the community grow in order to make it better. There will always be suggestions and ideas to present to the other staff members. #4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :) My favorite channel would probably be #general, surprisingly. Although I would prefer other channels, #general is the one channel that I get to greet other people and sometimes have a decent conversation. I do watch over almost all of other channels though, and sometimes have better conversations in these channels, such as in #calm, #voice-text, and #bot-commands, when #general gets too crazy.


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