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Join date: Oct 25, 2017


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I'm Ashley, and I'm here to tell you all about myselfu! ;o

Damn, that came as shock..

Without joking now.. xD

Heii, I'm Ashley the person with many names within Life needs a Little Sin.

I'm a almost fulltime bot developer and no I do not earn money with it.

I like to chill and netflix, as how people call it now right?!

I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi stuff, but not Star-Wars and that fake shit.

I'm also a huge fan of Loli's and not the dirty things, just the kawaii ones! <3

I used to roleplay as a loli a lot to make friends.

ugh, so yea thats me! 💗

If you have more questions, maybe sent me a message on discord.

Or any other way hehe

- Ashley

Mikami Tenshi

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