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Moderator Applications
In Help Wanted Board
Jun 12, 2018
Re-Application Discord Tag: Horu#4077 (I change my name quite often) #1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community? People usually think of moderator role as to manage the community; mute, kick, or ban inappropriate users, delete inappropriate messages as well as to keep the server clean and friendly. To me, being a moderator helps me to gain more experience for my future career, either online, or in real life. As a moderator, I don’t want to just do what a normal moderator do; I want to approach to the members in a best way that does not make them feel uncomfortable, as to respect everyone and their opinion, make friends with them, and help them with situations that they need help with. I also have some mentor experience that actually help for some people who has problems that cannot share to other people. #2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)? I am generally friendly toward new members and am willing to meet and know them. I am well known among old members of Life Needs a Little Sin for a long time so I will not have any problems with members here. #3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff? Ideas, suggestions and concerns are extremely important factors as they represent the opinions of every members of Life Needs a Little Sin. To be a moderator, it means that you represent the voice of the community, thus providing ideas, suggestions and concerns toward a specific topic is crucial. #4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :) My favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin is #calm (#general is a good channel for communication and hanging around, but I still prefer #calm) as I'm a chill person and I would prefer a calmer chat. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with the chat.
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Moderator Applications
In Help Wanted Board
Nov 05, 2017
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community? People usually think of moderator role as to manage the community; mute, kick, or ban inappropriate users, delete inappropriate messages as well as to keep the server clean and friendly. To me, being a moderator helps me to gain more experience for my future career, either online, or in real life. As a moderator, I don’t want to just do what a normal moderator do; I want to approach to the members in a best way that does not make them feel uncomfortable, as to respect everyone and their opinion, make friends with them, and help them with situations that they need help with. I also have some mentor experience that actually help for some people who has problems that cannot share to other people. I have created and moderated a decent self-owned server for 2 years before transferring owner due to school schedule reason, helped setting up all needs for over 20 servers, and have experience with 10 bots, two of them are well-experienced which are Tatsumaki and Nadeko (Akane). #2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)? Generally yes. I am not a close person with anyone in the server, but I like to meet new people, including those who have been in the server before me. I like to have a talk with someone in DM after getting to know them in the general chat to get a better understanding on that person. My relationship to members there is as same as the university mentor: friendly, nice, and always want the best for their student. I like to hear about the issues members have, try to solve them together, and thus improve my own learning experience and relationship. #3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff? Of course. Without ideas/suggestions/concerns, how can a community grow better? I do not hesitate to give out my ideas, suggestions, or concerns, because I think it is not a request, but rather be a duty of many moderators. My ideas/suggestions/concerns are not always correct, so I want to listen to other's ideas/suggestions/concerns to correct my incorrect ideas/suggestions/concerns. #4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin? I am active in #general, #calm, #bot-commands, #r18-chat-realm, and Music channel voice chats. Sometimes I come to other channels/voice chats to read some messages and write down some comments.
(CS:GO Community Creation) The Tarot Collection - Series I
In Community Posts
Nov 01, 2017
They looks so dope~
(League of Legends) PBE Update 10/26
In Community Posts


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